
Here's how you register in the app

To use Tradar, you need an account with us. You can create one in just a few clicks. All we need is a valid email address and a password of your choice.

The password must meet the following criteria:

1x Uppercase letter

1x Lowercase letter

1x Special character

1x Number

8 characters long

After submitting the information, you will receive an activation code from us via email. You need to enter this code in the app. You have 60 seconds to do so; if you don't enter the code within this time, you can request a new one. Please check your junk mail folder if you don't receive a code.

By the way: Tradar is set to English by default. You can change this to German during registration by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of the screen. However, you can still change this setting at any time later on.

And there you have it – congratulations, you've created a Tradar account! Now, we need your personal details, and then you'll have access to the demo version of the app.

Last updated